Sky Blue & Sunshine Yellow Weekly Kit - Erin Condren #FreePrintableStickers


Hey lovelies and welcome back to MissKellzPlanning
This week I have a new weekly kit freebie for you lovelies. This week has been a stressful week, my friends laptop broke so I had to lend her mine, so I didnt have much time to create a new kit, so this one is a little simple. I wanted to thank Alex Benda from Oh! Hello Stationary Co. and his lovely design with me videos on his youtube channel, I learnt so much and I hope to use those skills in future kits.
I have also been thinking to maybe once a month with me favourite kit of the month, film a plan with me and upload it here on my blog and not on youtube, so tell me your thoughts on that down in the comments :)
Okay back to this weeks kit Sky Blue & Sunshine Yellow, I just came up with this name now, I was stuck for about an hour on what to call this. Well the title kind of explains the colours them selves, its a nice maybe terquoise toned blue and a lemon-ish yellow. I love seeing these two colours together. It give a summer vibe to the kit.
This kit as always has a functional page which has a quote full box to cover the thoughtful thought on the top corner of the erin condren. Then we have 7 heart checklist. 6 flags, 6 drops, 16 icons, 6 labels, one weekend banner, 8 dots, 8 full boxes, 8 ombre heart checklists, 8 half boxes, 6 event labels, 2 weekly side bar stickers, 2 habbit stickers, 7 to do headers, 7 today hearders, 7 bits&bobs, 7 extra headers, 24 bits&bobs labels, bottom and boxes wahsi.

Tag me on instagram @planning_misskellz with the spread you use this stickers in, I'd love to see your creations with my kits. Hope you lovelies like this kit, let me know what you think in the comments below
- MissKellz

All icons and designs are from the following sites or if not created by 
me: Freepik  flaticon

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  1. Hey Hun, what size pages are your kits designed for? Also do you know if it will be really off sized if I print it on letter sized paper?

    1. Hello, lovely, its MissKellz here, and the kits are all designed on A4 paper, which in america is 8.5" x 11" i think. i so leave space extra around the kits, so i think they will fit, hope this helpped you out, and thanks for the comment :)

  2. That is really good blog, worth reading. One should always look for the best designs. Thanks for sharing such a good blog with us
