May Erin Condren Monthly Colour Sampler #FreePrintableStickers


Hello lovelies, it's been such a while, since yesturday ahahah 
Welcome back lovelies. Today I have a little freebie for you, since we are now in full swing may today's freebie is a may sampler to go with yesturday's weekly kit which is the may colours. I'm thinking of maybe doing a second version of sampler with icons and all kinds of things. Tell me in the comments what would you like on a sampler
This sampler is the same format as april sampler having:
-7 heart checklists
- 2 half boxes
- 2 full boxes
- 3 event stickers
- 2 habit stickers
- 3, 3 heart check lists
- 6 flags
-6 drops
- 4 laptop icons
- 4 laundry basket icons
- 3 spray bottle icons
- 4 vacuum icons
- 6 dots

Download Here!

This month we have all sorts of kits coming out but since next month there is no blogging for me (ugh exams) I'm going to start - after june - creating my own designs as in all full boxes, icons, and figures are all going to be created by me, its probably going to take a while to have them all finished but I'm going to start creating soon to have them all done for july's collection.
Let me know what kind of icons you would like in the comments down below.

Thanks For all your guys' support here on the blog :) love you lots!!!
- MissKellz

All icons and designs from the following sites or if not created by 
me: Freepik  flaticon

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing these lovely stickers with us. This would be enough for me to keep me busy throughout the month and use them for creating different crafts.
