Planning 101: Tips & Tricks for Beginners


Miss Kellz here,
So Today we are going to talk about PLANNING 101. I'm thinking to make this a mini series, but in this first "Episode" We're going to talk about: TIPS & TRICKS FOR BEGINNERS

I have been in the planner world for about a year now and since I'm a student i was always behind because i was, well, broke. So i always went down the DIY route, which bring us to the first point:

1. DIY Planners
So there are many ways to make a DIY planner and i have here a few that i have made:

-> Desk Planner 
The way I made my desk planner (the first DIY planner i made) was in Microsoft Word all I simply did was make a Table with 7 columns and 4 or 5 rows, on the first row i put the days of the week and then printed a load of them out, simple as that.

-> Binder Planner
So there are many printable Planners on Pinterest and also on etsy if you dont mind to pay a couple of euros and all you do is print them out and put them in a binder.

-> DIY Inserts
so if you already have a binder or a filofax kind of planner, you can create your own inserts. Again on Microsoft Word you can create your inserts as you like. You can do the Table method again. But I'm going to include here a free printable of a personal sized inserts, i can make A5 size but I'd need your guy's help on the dimensions, since i don't have an A5 planner.

Free Personal Size Insert Printable

2. Printable Stickers
So Printable stickers are any planner girls best friend and when it comes to beginners free ones are even better so you can find many on Pinterest but i have here two blogs which have free downloadable stickers:
- (self Promo) Me, every week I upload a plan with me and with that a free printable of the stickers i used and i will have an archive where they all live soon on my blog. I do also take requests on stickers, any of you can suggest in the comments what kind of stickers I should make and ill make a set or kit, or just sheet with them and will live in the archive i talked about above, that's enough of self promo i think for one day ahah. So this lovely lady also makes Printable stickers on her blog, I have used her printables before and they are easy to use and I recommend them.

3- Sticky Notes
Sticky Notes are the 2nd best thing when it comes to planning. They are easy to use and you can find many cute ones at places like Target (which Europe doesn't have *sad face*), Staples, etc.

4- Pens
My favourite pens to use in my planner are the Staedtler Triplus Fineliner and you can get them in so many colours and they are good quality. There are many other pens like Sharpie, Friction, etc. but my favourite is the Staedler or if not Papermate Bull Point pens just to jot things down.

Well thats all i have for today, comment anything you'd like to see me do here on the blog :)

Miss Kellz xo

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