Plan With Me #3 | Burgundy & Grey Feather (Jan 18-24)


Hi Guys and Gals, and welcome back to MissKellz Planning.
So in today's plan with me we have my new and improved stickers where I created a new layout of stickers and also added a few new things. AND also now you can choose between two sizes: Erin Condren Vertical Size; or "My Size" which consists on the sizes for my Unique Pirongs Planner. All these fit on one A4 sheet of sticker paper and they are now all in PDF form. I will be converting the old 2 kits of mine into this same format.
Back to this weeks: so this week I created this kit inspired but the new renovation that was done to my room, the new colours in my room are burgundy and grey and since I love it so much I created this kit. To make the full boxes and extras I used some lovely graphics from a very nice lady at Angie Makes I will be using her graphics quite a lot in future stickers, I do recommend her art work it's amazing.

So introducing this weeks Plan With Me: (sorry there is no video this week)

Now to the best part: FREEBIES!!!

Erin Condren Sized Stickers - Burgundy&Grey

My Sized Unique Stickers - Burgundy&Grey

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